  1. 1. Array
    1. 1.1. Dereferencing the variables in array
  2. 2. mysterious ‘-‘

在Linux上長需要寫些Shell script解決繁瑣的問題,可是很多語法常常寫過就忘,這篇主要是紀錄自己常忘記的東西。


比較常用 array=(one two three)這種宣告方法

Dereferencing the variables in array

假設array=(one two three)
echo ${array{*}}echo ${array{@}}一樣都會印出 one two three,只是${array{*}}會將”one two three”視為單一字串。

mysterious ‘-‘

cd -可以在當前目錄和上一個拜訪過得目錄之間做切換,curl -sL http://xxxx | sudo -E bash -可以讓bash執行curl下載的script,到底-是啥東西呢?

根據POSIX Utility Syntax Guidelines

Guideline 13:
For utilities that use operands to represent files to be opened for either reading or writing, the ‘-‘ operand should be used to mean only standard input (or standard output when it is clear from context that an output file is being specified) or a file named -.


When a is used as the operand, this shall be equivalent to the command:
Whencd “$OLDPWD” && pwd
Whenwhich changes to the previous working directory and then writes its name.

理解以上之後,可以試試看 echo "echo echo"| bash -,這會印出echo

  1. 1. Array
    1. 1.1. Dereferencing the variables in array
  2. 2. mysterious ‘-‘